Welcome to your pension fund

Your employer entrusts VZ VermögensZentrum to manage its pension fund. We ensure that your pension provision is on a stable footing and offer you every opportunity to optimise your pension provision.

Manage pension fund online

You can find your current pension certificate in the VZ Financial Portal. You can use the portal to arrange pension fund buy-ins and calculate your tax savings options. The portal also shows your expected retirement capital and benefits in the event of death or disability.

You can use all the functions of our financial cockpit free of charge around the clock, whether you’re at home or on the move.

Make a pension fund buy-in

Employees pay savings contributions into their occupational benefit provision, as do their employers. If they wish, employees can pay additional contributions into their pension fund. Such buy-ins improve the benefits payable during retirement and generally also in the event of death.

Pension fund buy-ins can have tax advantages and can therefore be a profitable investment: You can deduct your buy-ins from your taxable income. Moreover, you don’t have to declare your pension fund assets as wealth or the earnings on your assets as income. The tax advantage is reduced by the taxes that become due when the credit is withdrawn, however.

In the VZ Financial Portal, you can calculate the tax impact and make your buy-in directly

How do I read my pension certificate?

Your pension certificate contains important information on what is probably your largest asset. For example, it indicates how much pension you’ll receive when you retire, what benefits your surviving dependants will receive and how much pension the pension fund will pay if you become disabled.


1. Basis

Benefits are calculated based on your reported annual salary minus any coordination deduction. Part-time employees often have gaps in their pension provision, so they should check all the options they have to close these gaps.

2. Growth of your savings balance

Your savings balance increases continuously as a result of savings and interest credits.

3. Projected retirement benefits

This gives you an idea of the benefits you’ll receive when you retire. At the age of 50 at the latest, you should give some thought to your financial situation after retirement.

4. Options for drawing retirement benefits

As a rule, you can choose between a pension and a lump-sum withdrawal. You can also combine both options. How and when you draw your retirement benefits is an important question, which you should ideally consider from the age of 50. Only by doing so can you set the right course at an early stage.

5. Disability and death benefits

Are your surviving dependants well covered? If you have children or a house, it is advisable to check the cover in more detail. Cohabiting partners can register each other as beneficiaries of the pension fund. This is generally possible from five years in a joint household.

6. Overview of contributions

Both you and your employer make contributions into your pension fund, with your employer paying at least 50% of the contributions. The contributions you pay should correspond to the amount deducted from your salary.

7. Buy-in potential / further information

Your buy-in potential depends on your reported salary, your age and your savings credits. It corresponds to the gaps in your pension provision that can be closed with buy-ins.

Additional services for pension fund members

Your employer entrusts VZ VermögensZentrum to manage its pension fund. Would you like to ensure that your pension provision is on a stable footing and that you use every opportunity to optimise your pension provision? 

Free orientation meeting: discuss all key aspects of your pension provision

How much will your pension be? What benefits will your surviving dependants receive? And what benefits will you be entitled to if you become disabled? We’ll show you what benefits you can expect and explain how you can save money and get more out of your pension. Arrange a free orientation meeting at your local VZ and receive non-binding advice.

Pension check: make sure you’re adequately covered

Would you like to know how you and your family are covered if something should happen to you? Then arrange a pension check at VZ now: we’ll analyse your situation and calculate what benefits you can expect from pillars 1 and 2 if you become disabled or die – and whether you need additional insurance cover. 

Insurance check: secure the best services at the best price

In an insurance check, we determine whether you’re properly insured and whether you’re receiving the best benefits at the optimum price. To be able to request and check your current insurance policies, we require authorisation to obtain information. Please complete the form and send it by e-mail or post to: VZ VersicherungsZentrum AG, Insurance Check, Gotthardstrasse 6, 8002 Zurich. Alternatively, you can hand in your insurance documents at one of our branches.

Next steps

VZ is Switzerland’s leading independent financial service provider. As a client, you benefit from our expertise in all important financial matters. We help you to retire with a well-planned pension, invest your money intelligently, fund your home at a favourable rate, optimise your insurance, plan your estate according to your wishes and pay no more tax than necessary. Do you have any questions?