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11 Results
Specialist article

The top ten questions about OASI pensions

What upcoming pensioners need to know about old age and survivors' (OASI) insurance: the amount of their retirement pension, early withdrawal and deferral of retirement, OASI contributions in case of early retirement, and continued employment at retirement age, etc.

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Specialist article

Retirement planning: the top ten tips

If you prepare for retirement as early and as wisely as possible, you can improve your pension income and save a great deal of tax.

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Is it worth paying more into your pension fund?

If you make voluntary contributions into your pension fund, you can save a lot on tax and have more money to live off in your old age.

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Compulsory insurance in Switzerland

When foreigners move to Switzerland for the first time and work here, they should know what insurance they are required to have by law.

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How to save on taxes with your pillar 3a

Anybody who uses their pillar 3a in addition to their OASI and pension fund pillars to save for their old age can deduct contributions from their taxable income.

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Tips on buying real estate for foreign workers

There are a number of issues that must be taken into account by foreigners wishing to buy real estate in Switzerland. Buying property is always a major investment, which also involves a certain amount of risk.

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Early retirement: what you need to know

Retiring early can be expensive. But it may still be feasible if you take steps early enough.

Almost one in two people in Switzerland would like to retire early. The biggest challenges they face are how to finance the years until regular retirement and how to coordinate pillars 1, 2 and 3. 

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Pillar 3a: maximum amount for 2024

Is it worth paying in early in the year? And what’s the best way to invest my pillar 3a money?

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Online broker: unique trading platform in Switzerland

Where can you trade securities at a much lower cost than at most other banks?

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Vested benefits account: What you need to know

Learn what you need to pay attention to when transferring, investing and withdrawing vested benefits.

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Financial investments: what you need to know

Anyone wanting to successfully invest money should adopt a structured approach and first of all, decide on the right investment strategy.

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