
Wide-ranging corporate advisory services

More benefits for less money. That's the aim of VZ's sustainable consultation process.

Simon Tellenbach
Managing Director Corporate Clients & Insurance Brokerage

VZ offers companies and institutional clients a wide range of services. We advise them on all business, insurance and investment issues and offer attractive occupational pension solutions for their employees. And if you want to found a company or put succession plans in place, we will also provide comprehensive support.

More benefits for less money. That's the aim of VZ's sustainable consultation process.

Simon Tellenbach
Managing Director Corporate Clients & Insurance Brokerage
Corporate succession planning

Do you want to put a succession plan in place for your company?

Pension funds

The right benefits with the right pension fund model

Management pension schemes

Flexible and tax-optimised – for your company and management team

Insurance management

Comprehensive advice and support without conflicts of interest

Establishing a company

What you should know about legal form, pensions, insurance and accounting

Real estate

Tips on buying real estate for foreign workers

There are a number of issues that must be taken into account by foreigners wishing to buy real estate in Switzerland. Buying property is always a major investment, which also involves a certain amount of risk.