Management pension schemes

Attractive pension solutions for key personnel

Portrait von Cyrill Bazzana

When companies opt for VZ, they get a modern, cost-effective management pension scheme.

Cyrill Bazzana
Pension funds Specialist

A modern management pension scheme offers you and your senior staff the opportunity to pay in additional amounts to your pension funds. This makes it possible to boost your own pension and save on taxes, while members can decide for themselves how the money they pay in is invested. The individual retirement assets are also protected from being redistributed in favour of other members.

An attractive management pension scheme also makes sense for employers: companies can lower their occupational pension costs and eliminate the risk of any shortfalls in cover. It also helps them retain highly qualified employees over the long term.

Portrait von Cyrill Bazzana

When companies opt for VZ, they get a modern, cost-effective management pension scheme.

Cyrill Bazzana
Pension funds Specialist
Important questions about management pension schemes

Free first meeting

Talk to an expert at VZ. The first meeting is free of charge.

Our offering
Attractive 1e plans

A VZ management pension scheme allows companies to offer their senior staff attractive fringe benefits, while lowering their costs.

Pension solution for companies

At VZ, companies can save up to 30 percent on their current risk premiums and administration costs, while significantly reducing their administrative workload.

Management activities

In particular, pension funds with fewer than 1,000 members are well advised to fully or partially outsource the management of their business. VZ’s modular services allow you to do just that.

Payroll services

We process your salaries and also carry out other fiduciary activities in your company. This saves you time and money.