BILANZ rating: VZ VermögensZentrum awarded best national bank
For the 16th time in its history, the business magazine BILANZ was on the lookout for the best Swiss bank. VZ VermögensZentrum came in first place.

Every year, the renowned business magazine BILANZ looks for the best financial service providers in Switzerland. As a "decoy", the jury sends an investor to around 100 banks to obtain investment proposals according to their specifications.
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A panel headed by Professor Thorsten Hess assesses the proposals and invites the banks with the best solutions to a meeting. Only there do they find out that they are taking part in the most respected quality test in Swiss banking.
The jury then selects the winners in the categories "national banks", "regional banks" and "private and foreign banks". In 2024, VZ VermögensZentrum, which has been awarded the title "long-time quality leader" for many years, came in first place in the category "national banks".
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