Financial investments and asset management

Independent of banks and no conflicts of interest

Portrait von Daniel Weinmann

We select investments in your best interests – no ifs, no buts.

Daniel Weinmann
Investment Expert

If you want to make your money work for you, you need to have the right investment strategy. It has been proven that your chances of success are highest if you stick to your strategy and implement it with investments that are simple, transparent and liquid.

Whether you want to invest your money yourself or have your assets managed for you, you should invest in things that you understand and opt for investments that promise realistic returns.

Portrait von Daniel Weinmann

We select investments in your best interests – no ifs, no buts.

Daniel Weinmann
Investment Expert
Important questions about financial investments and asset management
Financial investments

Financial investments: what you need to know

Anyone wanting to successfully invest money should adopt a structured approach and first of all, decide on the right investment strategy.

Our offering
Portfolio management mandates

At VZ, we combine a simple investment strategy, efficient implementation and active support. Find the right mandate for you.

Invest with ETFs

Save up a tidy sum for your old age or a major purchase by regularly paying into an ETF savings plan.

Securities account consultancy

We monitor your securities account and regularly send you interesting investment proposals. You decide whether or not to implement our recommendations.

Securities Custody Account

Save a large amount each year on transaction and securities account management fees: switch your account to VZ Depository Bank. You won't regret it!

Securities portfolio check

How well is your securities portfolio performing compared to the market and other investors? Our expert analysis shows you how to get more out of your money.