Pension planning

That nice feeling of being financially secure

Portrait von Selina Wyss

My clients' retirement plans are on a strong footing.

Selina Lojacono
Retirement Specialist

Not many people know how well covered they would be if they have an accident or become seriously ill. It is especially important to have answers to these questions when buying a home, becoming self-employed, working part-time or starting a family.

Check the situation for you and your loved ones in the event of something happening and whether you are getting the most out of your retirement plan. This free-of-charge check will provide some initial answers.

Portrait von Selina Wyss

My clients' retirement plans are on a strong footing.

Selina Lojacono
Retirement Specialist
Important questions about pensions
Pillar 3a

How to save on taxes with your pillar 3a

Anybody who uses their pillar 3a in addition to their OASI and pension fund pillars to save for their old age can deduct contributions from their taxable income.

Pension fund

Is it worth paying more into your pension fund?

If you make voluntary contributions into your pension fund, you can save a lot on tax and have more money to live off in your old age.

Our offering
Pillar 3a with ETFs

At VZ, we invest your 3a assets in the best ETFs and index funds. Thanks to our low fees, you can boost your returns by thousands or even tens of thousands of francs over the years.

Pension analysis

Have you bought a home? Just got married, had children or changed job? We will check whether you and your surviving dependents would be financially secure if anything happened to you.

Pillar 3a with individual stocks

With this pension solution, you can benefit from the return opportunities presented by individual stocks, while building up your assets over the long term.

Vested benefits

We help you invest your vested benefits assets cost-effectively and in line with your requirements. You can then later withdraw your money in a highly tax-efficient manner.

Saving with ETFs

With our flexible ETF savings plan, you can build up your wealth in a cost-efficient way – whether for your old age or a major purchase.