Plan carefully to save on taxes

We keep an eye on everything so that you don't have to pay more tax than necessary.
Optimising tax forms part of a solid financial plan that addresses all wealth and retirement planning matters. Your tax burden is an important factor to consider in all financial decisions.
To keep it as low as possible over the long term, you require specialist knowledge on retirement planning, investments, real estate and succession planning. You should obtain all the relevant in-depth information or discuss the matter with an experienced specialist.

We keep an eye on everything so that you don't have to pay more tax than necessary.
Get regular updates on how to optimise your OASI, occupational and pillar 3 pensions.
Am I paying more tax than necessary?
Optimising your taxes sounds boring and complicated. Usually, however, it is actually easier than it sounds – and more than anything, it pays off. Clever tax planning can, in many cases, save thousands of francs on income and wealth tax. The potential to save taxes is particularly significant upon retirement, as your whole tax situation will change. You may also be liable for inheritance or gift tax if you do not optimise your tax situation in good time.
Retirement: Should I take my pension fund assets as a pension or a lump sum?
Pensions are taxed each year as income. By contrast, lump-sum withdrawals are taxed only once and at a lower rate. That is why it is usually more attractive from a tax perspective to take a lump sum. When deciding how to take your pension fund assets, however, you should never just consider tax-related aspects. There are many other equally important factors to take into account, not least financial security for your surviving dependents.
Is it worth buying into a pension fund?
It is almost always worth making voluntary contributions to a pension fund that can be deducted from your taxable income. This is even more the case if your money is only tied up for a limited number of years. You should still consider certain aspects though, for example that you must wait at least three years between paying in money and withdrawing capital.
Pillar 3a: How much tax can I save?
It makes sense to pay into your pillar 3a, as the contributions can be deducted from your taxable income, the balance is not subject to wealth tax and any interest earned is not taxed as income. Depending on your taxable income and place of residence, for every 1,000 francs you invest in your third pillar, you can save up to 450 francs on income tax.
What is the best way to withdraw my retirement assets from a tax perspective?
When having your retirement assets paid out, you can expect to face high taxes. However, there are major differences between the different cantons and municipalities. You can use this to your advantage by moving to a low-tax location in good time. In addition, if you have your pillar 2 and pillar 3a assets paid out gradually, you can often save thousands of francs.
What is the best way to invest my money from a tax perspective?
You should mainly select financial investments based on how much risk you can and want to assume, and for how long you want to tie up your money. However, taxes can significantly lower the income you receive from an investment. That is why it is worth selecting types of investments that incur the lowest tax possible. Interest is subject to taxation like any other income, whereas capital gains are usually tax free. This means it can be beneficial from a tax perspective to invest your money in assets that generate more capital gains and less interest.
What impact does home ownership have on my taxes?
Imputed rental values and low interest rates mean that most homeowners nowadays pay more income tax than if they did not own their home. When buying and selling a property, in most cantons a property transfer tax must be paid. And if a profit is made on the sale, the tax authorities take a slice of this in the form of property gains tax.
As a business owner, how can I optimise my taxes?
Many business owners do not fully utilise the potential they have to save on tax. The scope to do this is often huge: for example, it is possible to optimize your pension solution or better coordinate how salaries and dividends are paid.
Estate planning: How do I pass on my assets in a tax-efficient way?
Spouses do not have to pay any inheritance or gift taxes. This is the case in most cantons for direct descendants as well. By contrast, non-family members often have to pay large amounts of tax if they receive an inheritance or gift. Tax laws contain various ways to optimise taxes, from buying property, to gifts in connection with an usufruct and advance inheritances. As inheritance and gift taxes vary by canton, you may wish to consider moving house to a different location.